최근 교육 현장 변화에 따른 미래 학습장애 학생 교육 지원 정책 개발을 위한 인식 분석

Analysis of perceptions for the development of future education policies for students with learning disabilities in accordance with recent changes in the education field


The purpose of this study is to analyze perceptions that have recently emerged in the related system. This analysis is necessary as policy development plans are needed to support the future education of students with learning disabilities (LD) in South Korea, in line with recent changes in the educational field. To achieve this, we examined various opinions from the local community and education field regarding the following policy topics: (a) the 6th 5-Year Development Plan for Special Education, which starts in 2023, and the education plan for students with LD, (b) cooperation between Basic Academic Ability Support Centers and Special Education Support Centers in accordance with the Basic Academic Achievement Guarantee Act, and (c) connection between in-school and out-of-school education, involving parents and local communities. Results were derived by applying word frequency-inverse document frequency, word network, and topic modeling to academic papers, news articles, and expert opinions in the related fields on these topics. Specific policy issues related to LD mostly exhibited distinctiveness between the policy topics and the text data. However, opinions such as the lack of specific support plans for students with LD, the importance of linking schools with local communities, and strengthening the expertise of teachers, were consistently expressed across datasets. These research findings provide practical implications for future needs and education policies regarding the support of students with LD in South Korea.

The Korea Journal of Learning Disabilities
